Get to know Gemma
and the story behind
Gemma Verified
After working on the movie STUART LITTLE 2 when I was 10, I had an adventure dream that involved a blonde friend and myself going to a tower on a hill and ultimately finding a crystal. It was my favorite dream. Every time I recalled it I felt magic in my spirit.
As time passed, perfectionism, materialistic success, and reality set in. Facts and the “how” in life were all that mattered to me. I loved make-believe (hell I still play make-believe for a living aka acting), but that was the extent of my magical thinking.
7 years later I met the blonde friend who was in the dream...
I didn’t say anything until our mutual friend, Michael, brought up that Valerie had a similar childhood dream. Valerie knew the place I was talking about: atop Glastonbury Tor in Somerset England resided Saint Michael’s Tower.
Getting chills yet?
... it gets weirder...
Time passed.
I always wanted to go to Glastonbury, but it wasn’t practical. I was studying acting at NYU, and flying out to England would have been expensive. And I hadn’t ever traveled alone before. So I didn’t. I stayed. I worked as a production assistant on incredible tv shows and movies.
And then one summer as I was graduating college everything felt hopeless.
One friend passed away, two friends went through some horrific trauma a few months apart, and then I was attacked.
All the hope and life drained from my body. I felt worthless and powerless.
Everything became meaningless...
Over the years I made conscious efforts to heal.
I learned reiki.
Took up the hobby of fashion design.
I did therapy.
7 years after meeting Valerie & hearing of Saint Michael's Tower...
I found myself on a family trip through England, with a day trip to Glastonbury.
As I ascended the steps to the top of the Tor, rain poured down and excitement rushed through me.
Just by being there I felt in alignment with my destiny.
And then something came over me like a fresh gust of wind, and I reached my hand into a missing part of the wall close to the ground.
Through spider webs and dirt I touched something cold, hard… a crystal.
I looked at the rose quartz in my hand and questioned: based on my dream almost 20 years ago, I meant to find this? And if so, why?
At this point it may seem like I was a very
woo-woo person...
I wasn’t.
At that point in my life:
- Writing gratitudes made me feel guilty.
- Affirmations felt like awkward lying.
- Yoga was fancy stretching.
- And as much as I participated in woo-woo things, it felt about as real as Disneyland.
Then in 2018...
I booked two episodes on a TV show, and jumped into my first personal development adventure with an emotional intelligence based leadership academy in San Diego.
They used some woo-woo terms like “source” but since they were grounded in science, psychology, and key distinctions of leadership, it felt easy to explore without my previous woo-woo Disneyland glasses on. I created an interview series called “Worthy Wednesdays” and plunged into an in-depth exploration of worthiness.
My life changed.
Then I made the decision to volunteer and pay it forward with the next class.
Being a coach for coaches, entrepreneurs, moms & dads (including my own parents!), nurses, doctors, etc… just a wide array of people, I realized I thought very very differently from other people.
I can see patterns, free associate, and interpret dreams for self-growth, but beyond all that, I can evoke and illuminate what makes people special. Why they are worthy. Why they have value.
Through a gust of divine inspiration I created a course called Unlocking Your Inner Superhero— and then out of nowhere, it felt off. Something was missing. So I locked it away.
That fall I obsessed over the question: How can I go bigger so I can give back greater? I studied manifestation, booked 2 short films, and signed on for another round of volunteering with my leadership academy.
I had another dream that felt alive with magic: I was on a movie set and was wearing a grey hoodie with crystals all along the chakras. The next day I made it. I was re-awakened to:
after I was attacked I had learned reiki, and could reiki the crystals
I had learned fashion design as a form of meditation for healing after my trauma (and had 2 runway shows in NYC)
Gems and crystals which were ever present in my guiding dreams, and even present unintentionally in my chosen nickname
Thus, Gemma Meditation Wear was born...
...Which was then quickly renamed to GEMMA Verified when I realized I was meant to do more than create gemstone infused fashion.
Fast forward to my second round of volunteering with my leadership academy, and one of my old students brings me a gift with a note which said something along the lines of “I’m grateful you’re volunteering again, your guidance was a meaningful part of my transformation.”
I reach into the heavy bag, and pull out a giant rose quartz, in a very similar raw cut shape as the one I had found in Glastonbury.
Her name was also Valerie.
I have learned to listen to the synchronicity.
Listen to my intuition.
Listen to inner guidance.
I am still an actress.
I am still an occasional volunteer coach.
And now I have become the worthy, loving, courageous leader who empowers people to awaken their inner magic such that they can live aligned, give back greater, and joyfully expand their varied self, through my free content, crystals, meditations, courses, and of course, all things GEMMA Verified.